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Course Catalog 1998/99

Education and Teaching Methods

PÄN023 Basics of Science and Mathematics 15.0 ECTS credits



Crister Björk Univ adj

Applicants must have completed the courses KSP046 and PÄP044.

The aims of the course are that students acquire knowledge of: - the conditions and development of life and the conditions and importance of biological diversity - the construction and function of the human body and the significance of healthy habits and physical welfare - environmental issues and questions of survival, the flow of energy - the qualities of matter, indestructibility, transformations, cycles and spread - measuring, magnitudes, units and systems of units - electromagnetic phenomena and concepts - basic mathematical concepts and methods, didactics of mathematics - scientific formation of models and concepts - methodology and didactics in scientific teaching Students are also to develop: - care and respect for nature and everything that has life - ability to reflect on and discuss their own and others view on nature and the environment - understanding of the conditions of a society that is durable and saves resources - understanding of scientific methodology and formation of knowledge - ability to apply laboratory and examining work procedures - familiarity with the mathematics taught during the first years in comprehensive school

Basics of cell biology and genetics. The diversity, development and systematization of the world of organisms. Knowledge of species and the ecology of a few common plants and animals. Gardening as a school subject. Basics of ecology and winter ecology. Human physiology and health, SANT and sex education. Our place in universe, chronology and space journeys. Measurements and experiments as scientific method. Electrical and magnetic concepts and phenomena and their application in everyday life. Laboratory work on heat, light and sound. Atomic theory and energy. The construction of matter. Phases and phase transitions. Chemical reactions. Fire, fire extinguishing, combustion and oxidation. Solubility, acid and alkali, water purification. Dangerous chemicals and their handling. A few technical applications and constructions. History of technology. Theory of numbers, geometry, problem-solving, prealgebra, equations and correlation. Scientific and mathematical didactics for primary school. Inventory of environment and nature.

The teaching will be partly problem-based and will be supplemented with lectures, lessons, literature seminars, laboratory work, excursions and study visits.

Written and oral examination, individually and in group.


Edstam, U (1986). Från flinta till chip. Akademiförlaget. Fitter, R & Fitter, A (1993). Bonniers Flora I färg. Bonnier Alba. ISBN 91-34-51461-9. Hubendick (1990). Vi på vår jord. Gidlunds. ISBN 91-7843-013-5. Harlen, W (1985). Våga språnget. Almqvist & Wiksell. ISBN 91-21-14778-7. Lehrman, R L (1990). Physics the Easy Way. Barron´s Educational Physics Series Inc. Persson, H (1997). Försök med kemi. ISBN 91-21-14781-7. Persson, P O & Skoog, P (1995). Kompendium I miljöskydd, del 1. Ekologi. IMA, KTH. ISBN 91-7170-710-7. Rönnlund, B (1990). Teori och experiment för lärare och elever, del 1 och 2. Norrlands skolkonsult. Unänge, J m fl (1986). Lära matematik. Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-39601-5. Kemikompendier från Inst. REFERENSLITTERATUR Hansson, S (1996). Teknikhistoria. Högskolan i Luleå. Helldén, G (1994). Barns tankar om ekologiska processer. Liber. ISBN 91-634-0523-7. Hubendick, B (1989). Vi på vår jord, om människans ekologiska situation. Gidlunds.


Further information: Crister Björk

Valid for school year 1998/99.
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Last edited 1998-08-28