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Course Catalog 1998/99

Education and Teaching Methods

PÄP022 Advanced Vocational Training and Degree Project 30.0 ECTS credits

Q3, Q4


Marie-Louise Annerblom Univ lekt

To have passed the courses:
PÄP002 Working in Pre-School - The Role of the Pre-School Teacher
PÄS002 The Pre-School Within the Community
PÄP001 Development and Learning
KSP003 An introduction to the Arts in Pre-School Education
PÄN007 The Pre-School and the Natural Environment - Local Community
PÄP011 Cooperation between School and Child Care
PÄP009 Children with Special Needs
KSP011 English

The course should provide an in-depth knowledge about the demands that are placed on pre-schools in a changing society.
The students should have knowledge about:
- leadership in pre-school
- conversation methodology
- different teaching theories for pre-school
- the vocational role in different types of activities
- vocational ethics and the ethics of leadership
- children and vital questions
- being a role model
- the encounter with the child
- the computer in pre-school
- child care projects
- decision-making processes and budget work
- repertoire rehearsals
- musical activities

The students should work on their vocational identity as a pre-school teacher, take up a definite position concerning different educational questions and they should prepare themselves for their future vocational role.
The students should be able to:
- understand and put into practice the aims that have been formulated for pre-schools
- take individual responsibility for planning, carrying-through, evaluation and follow-up of their work together with children, working team and parents
- plan and lead debates and seminars
- draw-up an activity plan
- work with development and changes in pre-school

The course includes 8 points teaching practice. The practice work includes 3 consecutive days in public pre-schools.
Part 1 Vocational specialisation, 15 p
Part 2 Degree project, 5 p
The practical part of the degree project will be carried out during the teaching practice.

The students will be graded on course literature, course assignments, literature seminars and the degree project as well as on practice work, practice assignments and practice reports.

Degree project 4.50ECTS
Teaching practice, degree project 13.50ECTS
Advanced vocational training 12.00ECTS

Colnerud, G & Granström, K (1994). Respekt för lärare. Om lärares professionella verktyg, yrkesspråk och yrkesetik. Stockholm: HLS Förlag. (valda delar)
Dyregrov, A & Raundalen, M (1995). Sorg och omsorg. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Gottvassli, K Å (1991). Personalutveckling inom barnomsorgen. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Gren , J (1994). Etik i pedagogens vardag.
Gustafsson, A (senaste upplagan). Kommun och landsting idag. Liber läromedel.
Lind, G & Lisper, H-O (1990). Samtal för förändring. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Lindelöw, Olsson (1991). Sekretess och anmälningsplikt i barnomsorg och skola. Natur och Kultur.
Steinberg, J M (1994). Positiv påverkan. Malmö: Max Martin förlag och UPAB.
Utöver ovanstående tillkommer individuellt vald litteratur med utgångspunkt i kursmålet omfattande max 3000 sidor totalt.


Further information: Marie-Louise Annerblom

Valid for school year 1998/99.
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Last edited 1998-12-18