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Course Catalog 1998/99

Business Adm and Social Science

IES604 Economic History A 30.0 ECTS credits

I + II


Nils-Gustav Lundgren Bitr Professor


- To give a basic understanding of certain societies and civilizations economical and historical development. - To describe and analyze different historical elements that have given rise to economic and social change and development. - To inform about different approachs and perspectives in economic and historic development. - To inform about those methods and theories that exert influence on economic and historic research.

Course A: Economic and Historic Summary. Pre 1870. - With emphasis on the main points of the pre-industrial societies structure, its change and development as well as the industrial break through and its problems. - An introduktion to the economic - history research areas growth both internationaly and in Sweden. Course B: Economic aland Historical Summary. Post 1870. - With emphasis on economic changes and developement after 1870. - Attention is especially directed at the driving forces behind the changes between growth and crises in western economies during the twentieth century. CONTENTS Course C: Regional and interregional economic integration during the ninetenth and twentieth centuries - The course treats concisely trade and capital movements as well as introduces certain bas’c theories about regional economic development. This course also includes a compulsary computer based exercise. Course D : Advanced course with emphasis on each of the two following alterantives Alternative DI: Regional Development and Integration in Sweden. - This course gives a summary of the regional consequenses of economic change during the last hundred years. - It also introduces those regional and political measures which have evolved during the last 40 years. Comparisons are made concerning the development in the nordic countries. Alternativ DII: The Swedish Economies Internationalization. - This alternative gives a summary of foremost the industries internationalization during the twentieth century and theorethical application into explaning why companies invest directly abroad. - An introduction is also given to questions of issue concerning the european integration.


Written and oral exams. Seminars. Grading system: Fail, Pass or Honours.

Written exam 7.50ECTS
Written exam 7.50ECTS
Written exam 7.50ECTS
Written exam 7.50ECTS

MOMENT 1. (5 poäng) Dillard, D.: Västeuropas och Förenta Staternas ekonomiska historia. Gleerups 1976. Kap 1-20 (283 s) Duby, G.: Krigare och bönder. Sthlm 1981 (166 s) * Lundgren, N-G.: Kampen om naturresurserna. SNS 1987. * Magnusson, L.: Sveriges ekonomiska historia. Raben Prisma 1996. Kap. 1-8. Stearns, P.: Den industriella revolutionen i världshistorien. Liber-Hermods 1993. (s. 7-96) Äventyret Sverige, en social och ekonomisk historia. Bra Böcker 1993. (sid 11-45) Another 100 pages of literature will be designated by the tutor. MOMENT 2 (5 poäng) Dillard, D.: Västeuropas och Förenta Staternas ekonomiska historia. Glerups, 1976. Kap 20-36 (283 s) Magnusson, L.: Sveriges ekonomiska historia. Raben Prisma 1996. Kap 8-14. (230 s) Äventyret Sverige, en social och ekonomisk historia. Bra Böcker 1993. (sid 58-318) (250 s) Another 300 pages of literature will be designated by the tutor. MOMENT 3 (5 poäng) Dillard, D.: Västeuropas och Förenta Staternas ekonomiska historia. Gleerups 1976. Kap 33. Gunnarsson, C.& Rojas, M.: Tillväxt, Stagnation, Kaos. En institutionell studie av underutvecklingens orsaker och utvecklingens möjligheter. SNS 1995. Lundgren, N-G.: Bulk Trade and Maritime Transportation costs. The Evolution of Global Markets* Maddison, A.: Monitoring the Worl Economy 1820 - 1992. * Stearns, P.N.: Den industriella revolutionen i världshistorien. Liber-Hermods 1993. (sid 97-260). Another 200 pages of literature will be designated by the tutor. MOMENT 4 (5 poäng) Hansson, S.: Teknikhistoria. Om tekniskt kunnande och dess betydelse för individ och samhälle. Studentlitteratur 1996. Valda delar. Lundgren, K.: Why in Sweden? An analysis of the Development of Large Swedish International Firms From a Learning Perspective. SEHR 1992:2.* Rosenberg, N.: Technology, Natural Resources and Economic Growth.* * Will be provided by the university.

Valid for school year 1998/99.
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Last edited 1998-08-28