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Course Catalog 1998/99

Business Adm and Social Science

IES321 Political Science, Advanced Course D I 15.0 ECTS credits

I + II


Lars Carlsson Univ lekt

Basic course A, Advanced courses B and C. Even approved C-thesis.

- To give an advanced knowledge in how theories are formed within political science, as well as the disciplins methods and application. - The course also intends foremost to supply insight and knowledge on institutional policy analysis as well as the advantages and disadvantages that are associated with alternative means of application. - To prepare the student for an eventual career in research.

Course A: Science Theory This course aims to increase the students understanding concerning the consequences of alternative science based theory when formulating scientific problems and choosing appropriate methods of inquiry. The course also treats the following concepts: the perspective of human knowledge, argumentation theory and the philosophy of science, the concepts science and scientific character together with the meaning of concepts within different disciplines of science theory. Furthermore there will follow a discussion and treatment of science based theory when formulating scientific problems and choosing an appropriate method of inquiry as well as difficulties with varying types of scientific explanations. Each participant is responsible for, and will carry out, a critical assessment of a major scientific publication (licentiate or doctoral thesis) Course B: Institutional Policy Analysis - The course treats different types of application within today´s policy research. Special attention will be focused on the concept institution also how the concept interpreded within research disciplins. - During the course certain alternative and complementing approaches, with special attention focused on so called network approaches, will be treated. The following approaches will be treated: The Advocacy Coalition Framework, The Impementation Structure Approach, Policy and Epistemic Community Approaches, The Institutional Analysis and Development Framework (IAD) and also Narrative Policy Analysis.


Grading system: Pass and Honours. Rapports and seminars.

Seminar, item 2 1.50ECTS
Assignment report, item 2 6.00ECTS
Seminar, item 1 3.00ECTS
Assignment report, item 1 4.50ECTS

LITERATURE Course A Almond, Gabriel and Stephen J. Genco, (1977) "Clouds, Clocks, and the Study of Politics, " World Politics, nr 29, s. 489-522. Andersson Sten, (1979) Positivism kontra hermeneutik. Göteborg: Korpen Chalmers Alan F., ( 1990) What is this thing called science? Bristol: Open University Press Eriksson, Gunnar, (1991) Den faustiska människan. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur F¿llesdal, Dagfinn, Lars Wall¿e och Jon Elster, (1995) Argumentationsteori, språk och vetenskapsfilosofi. Stockholm: Thales. Hanson, Bertil, (1994) "Game Theory and the Search for Causation in Political Science, " paper, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, Umeå Universitet. Rorty, Richard, (1981) "Method, Social Science and Social Hope. " Canadian Journal of Philosophy, XI, nr. 4 (December 1981), s. 569-588. LITERATURE Course B Carlsson, Lars (1996) "Nonhierarchical Implementation Analysis. An alternative to the Methodological Mismatch in Policy Analysis." Journal of Theoretical Politics, Vol. 8 No. 4, pp. 527-546. Carlsson, Lars, (1996) "Policy Networks as Collective Action," paper presenterat vid Statsvetenskapliga förbundets årsmöte i Lund, 13-15 oktober. Fischer, Frank, (1993) "Reconstructing Policy Analysis: A Postpositivist Perspective." Policy Sciences, No. 25, pp. 333-339. Hill, Michael (1993) The Policy Process: a reader. London: Harvester Wheatsheaf. Högskolan i Luleå, avd. Statsvetenskap, (1996) "Policyanalys: en exempelsamling," kompendium. Marin, Bernd and Mayntz, Renate, eds. (1991) Policy Networks. Empirical Evidence and Theoretical Considerations. Boulder Colorado: Westview Press, sid. 11Ð59. Ostrom, Elinor, Roy Gardner, and James Walker (1994) Rules, Games, and Common-Pool Resources. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, pp. 1-50. Premfors, Rune, (1992) Policyanalys. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Schram, Sanford F., (1993) "Postmodern Policy Analysis: Discourse and Identity in Welfare Policy.". Policy Sciences, No 26:249-270. Torgerson, Douglas, (1986) "Between Knowledge and Politics: Three Faces of Policy Analysis." Policy Sciences, No. 19, pp. 33-60.

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Last edited 1998-08-28