IEM016 Special Project in International Business 1.0 poäng | |
ÄMNE (enl SCB) Industriell marknadsföring NIVÅ/DJUP A G PROGRAM/TIDSPERIOD / Lp I-IV SPRÅK: EXAMINATOR Esmail Salehi-Sangari Tf prof FASTSTÄLLD This syllabus was ratified on February 16, 1998 and is valid from Fall Semester 1998 FÖRKUNSKAPSKRAV IEM008 or equivalent. MÅL The main aim of the course is to create an opportunity for the student to conduct a small scientific project. The project can be in the form of a literature review and/or research project. INNEHÅLL This course is designed for our foreign guest students. The course will prepare the students to work with their project. The project(s) can be within different areas of marketing (i.e. marketing strategy,industrial marketing, marketing research, international marketing etc.) and/or international business. UNDERVISNING Seminars, supervision and project work. EXAMINATION KURSENS BETYGSKALA: MOMENT/PROV | |
Projekt | 1.0poäng |
LITTERATUR Meddelas senare. |
Ansvarig för sidan: Karin.Lindholm@dc.luth.se
Universitetet | Student | Forskning | Sök | Kontakta oss | In English |
LULEÅ TEKNISKA UNIVERSITET Universitetsområdet, Porsön, 971 87 Luleå. Tel. 0920-91 000, fax 0920-91 399 |