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ABG015 6.0 ECTS credits | |
TIMEPERIOD: QIII LANGUAGE:English EXAMINER K Axelsson Prof PREREQUISITES Basic knowledge of soil mechanics including soil physics and basic soil behavior. Stress-strain relationships in soils. Mean stresses and deviatoric stresses. Effective stress and consolidation theory. Bearing capacity of shallow foundations. Consolodation theory and calculation of settlements. Earth pressure against retaining walls. Slope stability with cylindrical slip surface. Common laboratory methods. COURSE AIM The course should give the student basic knowledge within the areas of geotechnical investigation and exploration, design of sheet pile walls as well shallow and deep foundation engineering in order to be able to carry out the design of a traditional foundation work including the choice of type of foundation and its design. CONTENTS Geotechnical investigation and exploration (10%). The performance of geotechnical investigations and design with respect to the states of exploration, design and construction. Design codes and the concept of geotechnical classes. Support constructions (15%). Different types of supporting constructions. Earth pressure against flexible sheet pile walls. Influence of wall friction. Stability of sheet pile walls. Cantilever walls and anchored walls. Anchor design. Shallow foundations (20%). Choice of foundation method from technical and economical point of view. Theories for the analysis of the bearing capacity of shallow foundations - the background to the bearing capacity equation. Design of shallow foundations with respect to bearing capacity and settlements and according to building code and regulations. Deep foundations (40%). Theories for the analysis of the bearing capacity of deep foundations. Types of piles with respect to material, type of bearing and method of installation etc. Design of point bearing piles and shaft bearing piles in day and granular soil with respect to bearing capacity and settlements according to building code and regulations. Different types of pile groups. The concepts of elastic line of action and pile centre. Analysis of vertically and horisontally loaded pile groups with the displacement method. Semi-isostatic pile groups. General three-dimensional pile groups. Design of excavated and bore piles. Other types of deep foundation as pile walls and cassunes. Foundation improvement. Interaction soil-structure (5%). Different types of interaction between building construction and soil. Influence of the stiffnesses of the building structure and the raft. Methods of analysis. Soil dynamics (10%). wave transportation in soil. Ground vibrations. Free and damped dynamic systems. Enforced vibrations. Vertical and torsional vibrations of stiff rafts. Models of calculation. TEACHING Lectures including problem excersises and problem oriented parts. The course contains assignments normally to be solved in groups of 2-3 students. EXAMINATION COURSE GRADE SCALE: U, 3, 4, 5 ITEMS/CREDITS | |
Written exam | 3.00ECTS |
Project work | 3.00ECTS |
COURSE LITTERATURE Das, B.M.: Principles of Foundation Engineering. PWS-Publishing Company, 1995, ISBN 0-534-20646-8. Axelsson, K., Magnusson, O. och Knutsson, S.: Grundläggningsteknik , Avd för geoteknik, LUT. Further information: Kennet Axelsson |
Web Editor: Birgitta.Hakansson@dc.luth.se
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![]() LULEÅ UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY University Campus, Porsön, 971 87 Luleå. Tel. +46 (0) 920-91 000, fax +46 (0) 920-91 399 |