Engelska Studiehandboken kurser

Dept. of Education and Teaching Methods

PÄN015 Theory and Practice of Teaching Nat.Sciences and Math 30.0 ECTS credits


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To have passed the courses: PÄN010 Local Environm.,Community as Teach.Resource, MA/NO PÄN013 Advanced Course in Math and Natural Science, part 1.

The students should work on and develop: -understanding of conditions and demands at environmental surveys, -knowledge about environmental demands of plants, -in-depth knowledge about and skills in the important general science areas of the compulsory school, -understanding of the interaction between theory and experiment where different working methods are used and discussed, -understanding of the interaction between Natural Science, technique, community and environment, -understanding of conservation, transformation, circulation and spreading of the matter as well as the effects of the man«s interference in these courses, -problem-directed approach, -loboratory working procedure and learning by discovery, -in-depth knowledge about teaching process, from curriculum to evaluation, to analyse and critical evaluate the school, -in-depth knowledge about groups and development of groups, -the completed part of the Degree Project. The students should have knowledge about: -working out, carrying out and inerpretation of environmental surveys, -national and international environment goals, -plant physiology, -theoretical background and practical consequences of air, ground and water pollutions, -the nature of heat and its symptoms, -how electrical current is generated and used in different situations, -waves and qualities of waves applied in acoustics and optics, -the historical perspective, -how to start with problem-solving in applcation of mathematic as well as in concept formation. The students should be able to: -critical examine and interpret result reports, -plan and lead environmental surveys, -carry out experiments,interpret and describe the results as well as formulate general laws, -use the knowledge in chemistry in a responsible way with regards to the environment and their own resource utilization, -independently solve problems of non-routine character, -account for concept development in mathematics within the framwork of the compulsory comprehensive school, -exemplify and account for the difference between concept of knowledge and prcedure of knowledge, -account for how you start from problem-situations in application of mathematic as well in concept formation, -evaluate the capability of development in unconventional methods of solution when solving mathematical problems as well as routin tasks, -account for different evaluation methods, -carry through and report an individual development work at school, the Degree Project .

ITEM 1, Natural Science Didactics of science subjects *Biology Plant physiology. Environmental protection. *Physics/Technology Heat. Gas laws. Electrical and magnetical fields. Direct and alternating current. Electrical engines. Light and sound. *Chemistry Atmosperical environment problems: Air-spreading, greenhouse effect, ozone, air polution, photochemistry air pollution. Terrestrial env ironment problems: Contamination, acidity, erosion, biotope destruction. Aquatic environmental problems: Contamination, acidity, over fertilization, DDT/PCB, oil discharge. ITEM 2, Mathematics Mathematical didactics. Rational, irrational, real, complex numbers. Stereometry. Agebra in compulsory comprehensive school. Problem-solving, problem-formulation, strategy of problem-solving. Cognative approach, pupil approach, curriculum, local work plans. Chosen parts from mathematical course of compulsory comprehensive school. ITEM 3, Teaching Methods, Practice Educational planning and evaluation. Different methods of project work with children in ompulsory comprehensive school. Methods implemented by the students. Practical part of Degree Project is carried out during the teaching practice.

Lectures, lessons, laboratory works and excursions. The students complete the them work focused on children«s health and bad health alternative technique.

Examination, individual or collective assessments, assessments of theme work, evaluation of the teaching practice and seminars.


Degree project                                              	3.0ECTS
Teaching practice, degree project                           	10.5ECTS
Education, Teaching methods                                 	3.0ECTS
Mathematics                                                 	4.5ECTS
Biology/Physics-Tech./Chemistry                             	9.0ECTS

MOMENT 1, NO * Biologi -. (1994).Utbildningspaket Naturligtvis. Stiftelsen Håll Sverige Rent. Campbell, N. A. (1993). Biology. The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. Kompendier. * Fysik/Teknik Lehrman, R. (1990). Physics the Easy Way. Barron's Educational Series, Inc. Rönnlund, B. (1990). Teori och experiment för lärare och elever, del 1 och 2. Norrlands Skolkonsult. Sundström, T. Populär energi. Forum för tvärvetenskap, Umeå Universitet. * Kemi Dehlin, S. (1994). Det rationella paradiset. Konsumentverket. Häfner, M. (1989). Miljölära. Bokskogen. Agenda 21. Kompendier. (Kan köpas på institutionen) MOMENT 2, Matematik -. (1993). Kursmaterial i matematik för Gr 5 & Gr 6. Institutionen för pedagogik och ämnesdidaktik, Högskolan i Luleå. A4-format. (Tillhandahålls av institutionen.) Anderberg, B. (1992). Matematikmetodik i grundskolan 1 & 2. Grundläggande begrepp och mera matematik. Stockholm: Bengt Anderberg Läromedel. ISBN 91-970563-6-7. Brandell, G. m.fl. (red.). (1994). Kvinnor och matematik. Konferens i Luleå 13Ð16 juni 1993. Luleå: Institutionen för matematik, Högskolan i Luleå. ISBN 91-630-2510-8. Nystedt, L. (1993). På tal om tal. En läsebok i matematik. Stockholm: Instant Mathematics. ISBN 91-630-2268-0. Aktuella tidskriftsartiklar tillhandahålls i samband med undervisningen. MOMENT 3, Pedagogik, metodik, praktik Johansson, H. (1994). Examensarbete - Luleåmodellen. Centrum för forskning i lärande. (stencil). Patel, R., & Davidsson, B. (1994). Forskningsmetodikens grunder. Studentlitteratur. Ca 500 sidor som väljs i samråd med undervisande lärare från referenslistan. REFERENSLITTERATUR Andersson, B. (1989). Grundskolans naturvetenskap. Utbildningsförlaget. HelldŽn, G. (1992). Grundskoleelevers förståelse av ekologiska processer. Pedersen, S. (1992). Om elevers förståelse av naturvetenskapliga förklaringar och biologiska sammanhang. NO-didaktik - väljs från referenslistan i samråd med undervisande lärare.


Last modified : 97-12-02
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