Engelska Studiehandboken kurser

Dept. of Education and Teaching Methods

PÄP027 Teaching Basic Skills 15.0 ECTS credits


General information about studying at Luleå university



Kjell Johansson Univ adj

The general and course admission requirements for studies at the study programme for compulsory school teacher (grades 1-7).

The students should develop an approach where the pupil is looked upon as an active and creative part of the processe of knowledge and where all learning has its basis in the pupil«s conceptions and experiences. A comprehensive perspective of school problems should be developed where causes and measures are looked for in all levels. Students should have knowledge about: -acquisition of reading and writing skills, development and possible problems, -pupils with special needs and need of stimulations and responsibility of the school to meet these pupils«needs, -basic skills in mathematics, -parental co-operation, -in-depth teory about children«s and young peoples«development and learning. The students should be able to apply: -a way of working, which with its basis in pupils«needs, experiences and interests should prevent school problems and support the development in pupils with different preconditions, -a way of working where you in school work start from the pupils«assets and possibilities that can be developed and where every pupil has the right to feel competent. The students should be able to: -solve problems of non-routine character, -account for how calculations can be administred depending on aids and background, -describe with illustrative examples.

The course deals with basic skills in Swedish and Mathematics as well as theories about children«s and young people«development and learning. The students should work on their own attidudes and values concerning pupils with special needs and need of stimulations. The course should be one part of the personality development. The four rules pf arithmetic with different aids, algorithms, informel calculating procedure, problem-solving. Knowledge of procedure and knowledge of concepts. Metacognition and its significans for problem-solving. Practical everyday problems and practices that are adjusted.The course as a didactic-orientation.

The course aims to give support and structure to the student«s own acquisition of the course content. The course is characterized by a problem-directed way of working and a co-operation between the included subjects and the teaching practice. The teaching practice should be carried out in the first grade of the compulsory comprehensiv school.

The examination is written or oral. The form of examination can vary from individual written examination to collective tests. Compulsory assignments, displays, work-folders, written or oral assessments.


Teaching Method/Math/Practice                               	15.0ECTS

Asmervik m.fl. (1993). Barn med behov av särskilt stöd. Studentlitteratur. Didericksen, A., Hansen, & Thysseus. (1994). 6 år och på väg in i skolan. Studentlitteratur. Dunkels, A. (1990). Något om tal och talbegrepp. (Opublicerat studiematerial, 13 sidor, A4-format.) Johnsen H¿ines, M. (1990). Matematik som språk. Verksamhetsteoretiska perspektiv. Stockholm: Utbildningsförlaget. Leimar, U. Läsning på talets grund. Liberg, C. (1993). Hur barn lär sig läsa och skriva. Studentlitteratur. Neuman, D. (1991). Nybörjares uppfattningar av tal och subtraktion. I: Emanuelsson, G., Johansson, B., & Ryding, R. (red). Tal och räkning 1. Lund: Studentlitteratur och Utbildningsradion, s 71-89. Stadler, E. (1994). Dyslexi. Studentlitteratur. Utbildningsdepartementet. Läroplaner för det obligatoriska skolväsendet och de frivilliga skolformerna. (Lpo-94). Kursplaner för det obligatoriska skolväsendet. Aktuella tidskriftsartiklar och opublicerat material som preciseras i samband med undervisningen.


Last modified : 97-06-05 by Jan Lindberg
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