Engelska Studiehandboken kurser

Dept. of Education and Teaching Methods

PÄS014 Advanced Course in Swedish and Social Subjects, Part I 22.5 ECTS credits


General information about studying at Luleå university



Nils Erik Lindell Univ adj

To have passed the courses: PÄS001 Pupil, School and Community PÄS004 Local Environm., Community as Teach. Resourse, SV/SO.

ITEM 1, Social Subjects The aim of the course is: -to give knowledge and skills for planning and carrying-through of school for outdoor education, -give a survey of the development of our world and the societies man has created from its material and spiritual resources, -analyse man«s relations to natural environment and technique, -touch upon the conceptions, ideal and the extential issues that have accompanied the man on her road, -give didactical understandings and proficiencies in relation to the teaching subject matter, -develop a memo before the Degree Project. ITEM 2, Swedish The aim of the course is to: -give knowledge of older and more modern language description/grammar , -give knowledge of older mythological literature, -give understandings in the discussion of literary classics and our cultural heredity.

ITEM 1, Social Subjects General and Swedish History from the beginning of time to 1789. Religious documents, the Old Testament/New Testament. Religion and life pattern. Geology. To use different typs of maps. Swedish Geography. Swedish Industry and Commerce. Climatology. Political ideologies. Sweden«s political and economical system. School with outdoor education. ITEM 2, Swedish Older and more modern language discription. Derivation and vocabulary. Language standardization. Myths and older textes. Classical works from Swedish literature.

ITEM 1, Social Subjects Every subject should be leavened by a problem-directed way of working during term 5. A lecture of this working procedure - how you proceed - should be offered to the students. Every subject in the course should have a didactic/methodical direction. Suitable theme works during term 5: A. Development of the Man and the Earth. -Homoousians, the society of hunters, the neolithical revolution, beginning of the high farmings. -Beginning and extention of the religions, different creation narratives. -Geological development of the earth. -Walk "from prehistorica age to present times". B. Sweden«s Economics and Industry -Sweden«s industry and commerce. -The development of economics in Sweden. The form of teaching is lectures, group works, individual works, excursions and educational visits. ITEM 2, Swedish Lec tures, lessons, seminare practices, group discussions.

ITEM 1, Social Subjects Examination, group or individual assessments. ITEM 2, Swedish Written examination of the linguistic part of the course. Compulsory assignments of the literary part of the course. Assessments of course assignments.


Degree project                                              	1.5ECTS
Swedish literature                                          	3.0ECTS
Swedish language/examination                                	3.0ECTS
Social Science                                              	3.0ECTS
History, Religion/examination                               	6.0ECTS
Social Subjects, Geography/examination                      	6.0ECTS

MOMENT 1, SO * Geografi - (senaste upplagan). Sveriges kartor.SNA (Sveriges Nationalatlas). - (senaste upplagan). Stor Världsatlas. Norstedts. Björklund, G. (senaste upplagan). Handbok i Geografi. Natur och Kultur. Vetenskapens Värld. Jordens yta. Bonniers. Vetenskapens Värld. Jordens utveckling. Bonniers. * Historia Groth, Ö (1995). Nordkalotten. Kung Faravids land. Tiden. Oredsson, S & Andersson, L (1995). I historiens spegel. Akademiförlaget. * Religion Beskow, P. (senaste upplagan). Trons vägar. (valda delar) Proprius. Selander, S-Å (1993). Undervisa i religionskunskap. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Åkerlund, P (1990). Vår tro. Skellefteå. Bibel, Psalmbok. * Samhällskunskap Eklund, K. (senaste upplagan). Vår ekonomi. Tidens förlag. (valda delar). Halvardsson, A (1995).Sveriges statsskick - fakta och perspektiv. Almqvist & Wiksell. HydŽn, H (senaste upplagan). Rättsregler - en introduktion till juridiken. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Larsson, R. (senaste upplagan). Politiska ideologier i vår tid. Studentlitteratur. * Övrig litteratur Didaktisk litteratur, väljs i samråd med undervisande lärare. Kompendium, stenciler etc. MOMENT 2, SV Josephson, O., Melin, L., & Oliv, T. (1990). Elevtext. Analyser av skoluppsatser från åk 1 till åk 9. Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-30261-4. Holm, L., & Larsson, K. (1980 eller senare). Svenska meningar. Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-09662-3. Möijer, K. (1988). Svensk ordskatt. Ordkunskap och ordbildning (s. 51-99). Solna: Ekelunds Förlag AB. ISBN 91-7724-215-7. Myter och äldre texter (kompendium). Klassiska verk ur svensk litteratur (3 romaner). REFERENSLITTERATUR * Moment 1, SO Alexander, P. m.fl. Bibelfakta i färg. Libris. ISBN 91-7194-748-5. Bradshaw, M., & Weaver, R. (1993). Physical Geography - an Introduktion to Earth Environment. Int ed Mosby. St Louis. (valda delar). Hansson, S (1996). Teknikhistoria. Högskolan i Luleå. Larsson, T. Det svenska statsskicket. Lund, Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-34082-6.


Last modified : 97-12-02
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