Engelska Studiehandboken kurser

Dept. of Education and Teaching Methods

PÄN014 Advanced Course in Math and Natural Science, part 2 22.5 ECTS credits


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To have passed the courses: PÄN010 Local Environm.,Community as Teach.Resource, MA/NO PÄP001 Development and Learning

The students should work on and develop: -understanding of functions of human body, -comprehensiv view of health aspects, -understanding of possibilities of genetic engineering, -in-depth knowledge about and skills in the important general science areas of the compulsory comprehensive school, -understanding of the interaction between theory and experiment where different working methods are applied and discussed, -understanding of the relation between natural science, technique, community and environment, -a problem-directed approach, -laboratory working procedure and learning by discovery, -comprehension that reuse and recycling are important parts of resource economy, -background, aim and method to the degree project. The students should have knowledge about: -structure and function of the different cell-forms, -significance of micro-organisms, -genetics, -control factors for organism physiology, -health and lack of health, -strength-saving machines and their functions, -energy, energy transformations and alternative types of energy as well as the use of energy and energy provision to the Swedish society, - the nature of heat and its manifestations, -structure of the universe and how knowledge about the universe has changed over the years, -carbon atom and its significance in all organic materials, -the chemistry of the human body, -the significance of chemical technical products in the everyday life, -transformation of raw materials to new materials and the processing to industrial products and materials as well as how these are taken care of when they have been used, -the historical perspective. The students should be able to: -support health work, -carry through experiments, interpret and describe the results as well as formulate general laws, -use knowledge of chemistry in a responsibility way with regards to the environment and their own resource utilization, -account for concept development in mathematics within the framwork of the compulsory comprehensive school, -exemplify and account for the difference between knowledge of concepts and knowledge of procedures, -account for how you start from problem-situations in application of mathematic as well as in concept formation, -evaluate the capability of development in unconventional methods of solution when solving mathematical problems as well as routin tasks.

ITEM 1, Natural Science Didactics of science subjects *Biology Cell-biology. Micro-biology. Genetics. Human Physiology, common diseases and handicaps. SANT. *Physics/Technology Density, Archimede«s principle. Preassure, Bernoullis theorem. Physical work. Effect. Energy and energy transformations. Alternative energy sources. Strength-saving machines. Heat. *Chemistry Carbon and carbon compounds. Provisions. Paper pulp and paper. Plastics and plastic manufacture. Textile fibres. Fuels. Rocks, minerals and ores. Metals, iron and iron extractions. ITEM 2, Mathematics Mathematical didactics. Teaching practice at upper level of compulsory comprehensiv school. Algebra. Negative numbers from a mathematical, historical and didactic approach. Chosen parts from mathematical course of the compulsory comprehensive school. Problem-solving.

Lectures, lessons, laboratory works and excursions. The students should carry out a theme work focused on children«s health and bad health alternative technique. The work should be completed and assessed in term 7.

Oral/written examination.


Teaching practice                                           	4.5ECTS
Degree project                                              	3.0ECTS
Mathematics                                                 	3.0ECTS
Biology/examination                                         	4.5ECTS
Physics/Chemistry                                           	7.5ECTS

MOMENT 1, NO * Biologi Campbell, N. A. (1993). Biology. The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. Grennberg, K. (1991). Kompendium i mikrobiologi. Avd för restproduktteknik. Högskolan i Luleå. Jonsson, G., & Sönne, B. (1989). Anatomi och fysiologi. SLT- Studium. Kompendier. * Fysik/Teknik Lehrman, R. (1990). Physics the Easy Way. Barron's Educational Series, Inc. Rönnlund, B. (1990). Teori och experiment för lärare och elever, del 1 och 2. Norrlands Skolkonsult. Sundström, T. Populär energi. Forum för tvärvetenskap, Umeå Universitet. * Kemi Joesten, Johnsson, Netterville, Wood. (1991). World of Chemistry. Saunders. Kompendier. MOMENT 2, Matematik Anderberg, B. (1992). Matematikmetodik i grundskolan 1 & 2. Grundläggande begrepp och mera matematik. Stockholm: Bengt Anderberg Läromedel. ISBN 91-970563-6-7. Kursmaterial i matematik för Gr 5 & Gr 6. (1993). Institutionen för pedagogik och ämnesdidaktik, Högskolan i Luleå. A4-format. Aktuella tidskriftsartiklar tillhandahålls i samband med undervisningen. REFERENSLITTERATUR Andersson, B. (1989). Grundskolans naturvetenskap. Utbildningsförlaget. HelldŽn, G. (1992). Grundskoleelevers förståelse av ekologiska processer. Pedersen, S. (1992). Om elevers förståelse av naturvetenskapliga förklaringar och biologiska sammanhang. NO-didaktik - väljs från referenslistan i samråd med undervisande lärare.


Last modified : 97-12-02
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