Engelska Studiehandboken kurser
Dept. of Education and Teaching Methods
PÄS004 Local Environm., Community as Teach.Resource, Sw/Ssc 22.5 ECTS credits
General information about studying at Luleå university
Crister Björk Univ adj
Students should have passed the courses in term 1.
ITEM 1, Social Subjects for SV/SO. Term 3.
The students should have knowledge about natural, social and cultural conditions within the local community and also its historical and religious specific nature.
The students should have basic knowledge about:
-land-shaped forces
-basic industry: forestry and agriculture
-ethical and moral issues
-the religious heredity
-time dimension and the historical heredity
The students should work on and develop:
-the use of the local community as teaching materials
-their own attitudes in ethical and moral issues
-a laboratory way of working and learning by discovery.
The students should be able to:
-use the preconditions of the local community in the education
-work out simple local teaching materials.
ITEM 2, Natural Science for SV/SO. Term 3
The students should have knowledge about the natural environment and the man, properties of matter and circulation, flow of energy and about the preconditions and development of life. They should also have knowledge of Natural Science.
The students should have knowledge about:
-matter and structure of matter
-quantities, units and standard system
-the role of water as dissolvent
-electricity and electronics
-heating and thermal observations
-qualities and compounds of gases
-combustion, fire and fire-extinction
-toxical subjects in our immediate environment
-ecological relations, system and its long-term productive ability
-different life forms and their life conditions
-conditions and the significance of the preserving of the biological variety
-the school garden as a living teaching material
The students should work on and develop:
-the use of the local community as teaching materials
-care and respect for everything alive and for the natural environment
-understanding and prepare themselves for a persevering, resource preserving community
-a laboratory way of working and learning by discovery.
The students should be able to:
-use the preconditions of the local community in the education
-work out a inventory of a district.
ITEM 3, Natural Science for SV/SO. Term 4
The students should have knowledge about the natural environment and the man, about the properties and dynamic of matter and the energy flow and about the preconditions and development of the life. They should also have knowledge of Natural Science.
The students should have knowledge of:
-winter ecology
-development of life and the life processes in the cell
-man, health, life quality from a evolutionary perspective
-human ecology
-measuring methods
-Sweden«s energy consumption and energy supply, alternative typs of sources of energy
-sound, light and time
-acid, neutral and basic
-hard water
-washing detergent and washing effect
-circulation of water and water-purifying
The students should work on and develop:
-the use of the local community as teaching material
-work out a inventory of a district.
ITEM 1, Social Subjects for Swedish and Social Subjects. Term 3.
-an introduction to social subjects.
ITEM 2, Natural Science for Swedish and Social Subjects. Term 3.
-an introduction to science subjects.
ITEM 3, Natural Science for Swedish and Social Subjects. Term 4.
-an introduction to science subjects. A theme work about environmental issues is part of the course.
Lectures, lessons, group practices, excursions, educational visits.
The students will be graded on individual oral/written examination.
Natural Science, term 4/inventory of environment and nature 7.5ECTS
Natural Science, term 3/examination 7.5ECTS
Social Subjects, term 3/examination 7.5ECTS
* Historia
Groth, Ö (1995). Nordkalotten. Kung Faravids land. Tiden.
Oredsson, S & Andersson, L (1995). I historiens spegel. Akademiförlaget.
* Religion
Beskow, P (1992).Trons vägar. (valda delar) Proprius.
Hofgren, A (red) (1990). Svenska trossamfund. Uppsala: EFS-förlaget. ISBN 91-7080-888-0.
* Geografi
-. (1992).Stor världsatlas. Norstedts.
Björklund, G. (1993).Handbok i geografi. Natur och kultur.
Vetenskapens värld. Jordens utveckling. Bonniers. ISBN 87-427-0635-1.
* Fysik/Teknik
Rönnlund, B. (1990).Teori och experiment för lärare och elever, del 1 och 2. Norrlands skolkonsult.
* Kemi
Jakobsson-Åhl, G. Vardagslivets kemi. Stenciler.
* Biologi
-. (1982).Runt i naturen, del 1 och 2. Utbildningsradion.
Andersson, L. (1992).Naturen och människan: handledning för lärare i åk 1-7. Hallgren & Fallgren.
Andersson, L. (1987).Naturen och människan: Introduktion till ekologin och miljövården. Studieförlaget.
Carlsson, B. Låt det bli kackel i klassen. LRF-skolkontakt.
Elvers, I. (1968-1976).Vår flora i färg. Almqvist & Wiksell.
Hubendick, B. (1989).Vi på vår jord, om människans ekologiska situation. Gidlunds.
Harlen, W. (1985).Primary Science - Taking the Plunge. Heinemann Education, Oxford.
Söderlund, S (red) (1992). Kroppen bit för bit. Arbetsmiljö, Föreningen för arbetarskydd. ISBN
Hansson, S (1996). Teknikhistoria. Högskolan i Luleå
Last modified : 97-09-25
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