Engelska Studiehandboken kurser

Dept. of Education and Teaching Methods

PÄN400 Natures Potential and its limits 30.0 ECTS credits


General information about studying at Luleå university



Ingalill Danielsson Univ adj

The general and the course admission requirements for studies at the study programme for compulsory school teacher, grades 4-9, orientation towards Mathematics/General Science.

The students should, at the end of the course, have knowledge about effective strategies in the work for environment. They should also have qualifications to work goal-directed with nature and environmental education based on children«s understanding of the world around us. The course should give the students positive experiences as a precontition for knowledge and skills in natural environment, culture and outdoor life. The students should work on and develop: - an ecolocical approach as base on environmental consciousness, - understanding of the indestructibility of energy, transformations and cycle of the matter, as well as the effects of man«s interference in the processes of nature, - the ability to see completenesses and relations, reflect, evaluate and make ethical decisions. The students should increase their consciousness of how the general science influent people«s way to think and act. The course illustrate conception of the world, view of nature, scientific discoveries and their orginator in different epochs of time.

A didactic perspective and creative work procedures, that stimulate children«s development concerning understanding and respect for different life forms and their environment, are applied in the course. The concrete work with cultivation and domestic animals is used to increase the students consciousness of environment and their preparedness for the increased demands of the future society on changable way of life. ITEM 1. Ideo-historical perspective on the man«s relations to the natural environment. Ecology - structure and dynamic of the ecosystem. Classification and development of the world of organisms. Circulation and flows. The natural environment as a living teaching resource. Nature and Environment Education. Geology - the construction of the earth and destructive processes. Geochemical processes in ground and water. Minerals and rocks. Computer Science. ITEM 2. Biotopical studies of sea and fields or forest, montains, mires, meadows and lakes. The Man in the ecosystem. Way of life, ethics and environment. Gardening as a school subject. The Farmproject. Descriptive Statistics.

Theoretical studies with practical applications in problem-based teaching. The students should continuously plan, carry out and evaluate the aim and content of the course through their own practical teaching in pupil groups. The biotopical studies in the course extend over three weeks, from which half of the time can be placed in the Norwegian Atlantic coast and Abisko. The rest of the biotopical studies are carried out in the local environment. The biotopical studies will have a cost.

Obligatory attendance at excursions and biotopical studies. The field work should partly be carried out with class/pupil group. The students are graded on their oral and written examination, individual and in groups, as well as on literature seminars.


Human being and environment/project work                    	7.5ECTS
Human being and environment/examination                     	7.5ECTS
Nature and environment education/project work               	7.5ECTS
Nature and environment education/examination                	7.5ECTS

RESURSLITTERATUR Artiklar. Bestämningslitteratur. - (1992). Ekologisk metodik. Signum. ISBN 91-85330-11-6. -. Kompendium i geokemi. Högskolan i Luleå. Campbell, N A (1993). Biology. The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. ISBN 0-8053-1880-1. Cornell, J (1979). Sharing Nature with Children. Exley Publications Ltd, UK. Delin, S (1994). Det rationella paradiset. Konsumentverket. ISBN 91-7398-485-X Elvers, I (1992). Vår flora i färg. Fanerogamer. Almqvist & Wiksell. ISBN 91-1-89512-3. Ericsson, B & Gembert, B (1991). Kvartärgeologi. Kompendium för grundkurs i geovetenskap.ÊUppsala Universitet. Foberg, M (1994). Växter och djur i Bottniska Viken. Nordstedts Tryckeri AB. Harlen, W (1985). Primary Science - Taking the Plunge. Heinemann Education, Oxford. ISBN 0-435-57350-0. HelldŽn, G (1994). Barns tankar om ekologiska processer. Liber. ISBN 91-634-0523-7. Krusenstierna m fl. (??). Vår flora i färg. Kryptogamer. Almqvist & Wiksell. ISBN 91-20-05180-8. Körner, S. Praktisk statisktik. Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-39171-4. Lundqvist, J (1988). Geologi, processer - landskap - naturresurser. Studentlitteratur. Lärarhögskolan i Malmö. Utvecklingsavdelningen. ISSN 1101-7643. Rapporter. Petersson, A (1992). Rapporter om utbildning, nr 3. Lunds Universitet. Sjöberg, S (1992). Naturfagenes didaktikk, fra vitenskap til skolefag. Gyldendal. ISBN 82-05-20835-2. Skogsstyrelsen (1986). Skogsmarkens ekologi, del 1. Sörlin, S (1992). Naturkontraktet. Carlsons förlag.


Last modified : 97-09-25
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