Engelska Studiehandboken kurser

Dept. of Human Work Science

ARA005 Planning and Design of the Industrial Plant 6.0 ECTS credits


General information about studying at Luleå university


LANGUAGE: English/Swedish

U Ranhagen Adj prof

ARA001 Production and Work Organisation, ARA011 Workplace Design, or equivalent courses.

Planning and design of industrial plants are the processes in which all separate knowledge needed to form and design industrial production systems are integrated into a whole. The whole consists of four main areas; technology - including production technology and plants, organisation - including economy, human work, and spacial aspects. The aim of the course is to give the student: * in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge of the planning and design of industrial plants * methods that are applicable to renew and change projects * real-life exercises in how to renew and change industrial plants * real-life exercises in how to conduct and implement a project and work together in project groups * exercises in how to consider human needs and conditions in the design of industrial plants

The course consists of both theoretical and practical parts. Practical group projects are performed in parallel with the theoretical part. The theoretical part that is also the foundation for practical applications consists of following elements: Introduction. Definition of the subject planning and design of the industrial plant, connection to basic subjects. The planning and design of the industrial plant and the building of industries from a historical perspective, today and in future. Summary of developmental tendencies and their consequences for the planning and design of the industrial plant. Planning, design, and realisation. Different steps in an industrial project from idea to operation. Relations between the planning process within the enterprise and the planning of the society. Activities and documentation in different stages. Time scheduling and resource planning. The project organisation, representatives, and interested parties. Legislation, rules, and agreements. Status establishment, ascertainment and analysis. Methods for ascertainment of prevailing conditions regarding production system, working organisation, working environment, and premises. Analysis of problems and qualities. Programming with specifications of requirements. Development of requirements and programmes for production, working organisation, working environment, and premises. SLP-method for planning of layout and premises step 1, PK-analysis, requirement diagram, proximity evaluation diagram, block layout. Methods for integrating questions regarding working organisation and working environment in the layout work. Development and presentation of proposals. Systematic planning of layout and premises (SLP-method) with development and evaluation of alternative layout proposals, selection of proposals, graphical working methods and presentation of selected proposal through plans and layout drawings, sections and elevations. 3D- presentation through models, CAD, simulation techniques, etc. Strategic physical planning of industrial plants. Methods for strategic development of industrial plants through master plans. Visions of development of plants and strategies to co-ordinate short-term and long-term changes in increased, unchanged, and decreased production. Different cases of planning, for example, rebuilding and new bulidings. Methods for localisation analysis and selection of different site alternatives. Questions regarding traffic, utility systems, and environment. Design and renewal of working areas. Strategies for community planning of workplaces. Development and profiles of different types of work sites within the municipality. Integration of workplaces, housing, and services. Planning of new work sites and renewal of existing buildings.

Seminars and lectures deal with theoretical considerations that are illustrated with practical problem situations within planning. In the practical applications the students will perform a change project or similar. Knowledge gained from earlier courses may be practically applied together with the knowledge gained in this course in a project work.

Project work, written documentation and presentation of project results have to be approved in order to receive an approved course grade. Taking part in lectures, part and final project presentations are mandatory.


Project work                                                	6.0ECTS



Last modified : 97-09-25

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