Engelska Studiehandboken Kurser/instution


Skellefteå Campus


General information about studying at Luleå University

Courses given in English

Sort order: Course code

Name Course
Abnormal Condition Electrical Circuits ISI186
Applied Electronics ISI180
Applied Mathematics ISI066
Applied Mathematics ISI113
Applied Wood Chemistry IST013
Automatic Control ISI135
Automatic Control ISI149
Automatic Control ISI173
Automatic Control ISI204
Automatic Control ISI614
Automatic control II ISI187
Automation IST006
Basic business administration ISY036
Basic course in Business administration ISI167
Basic course in Electric Measurement ISI205
Basic Course in Electric Measurements ISI139
Basic Course in Electronic and Electric Power System ISI150
Basic marketing ISI195
Basic Statistics A1 ISI304
Basic Statistics AI ISI610
Business administration ISI301
Business administration ISI302
Business administration ISI604
Business Administration B I ISI617
Business Administration BI ISI305
Business Economy ISY004
Business Economy ISY019
Circuit Theory and Electronic Devices ISI156
Computer aided Engineering ISI177
Computer graphics for Media applications A ISI608
Computer graphics for Media applications B ISI609
Computer programming ISI619
Concurrent Programming ISI138
Conputer Science ISI620
Construction Technology ISY028
Customer order driven design and manufacturing ISI179
Data Communication ISI181
Data communications ISI199
Data structure ISI159
Data Structures ISI133
Design for Electrical Plants ISI163
Design for electrical Plants ISI141
Design for Electrical Plants I ISI108
Design project ISI174
Development of Products and Marketing IST010
Digital Design I ISI103
Digital Design II ISI105
Digital design with computer aid ISI158
Digital fundamentals ISI157
Drafting and the computer as a tool ISI114
Educational visit ISI168
Electric circuits I ISI161
Electric circuits II ISI166
Electrical circuits I ISI102
Electrical Machinery ISI144
Electrical motor drive system ISI145
Electrical plant design II ISI208
Electrical plant design II ISI209
Electrical Power System ISI176
Electrical Power Systems, project course ISI192
Electrical Safety ISI039
Electrical Safety ISI165
Electromagnetic Compatibility ISI190
Electronic I ISI206
Electronics I ISI106
Electronics I ISI162
Electronics II ISI137
Energy Engineering ISI112
Engineering Materials ISY010
English ISI153
English ISI203
English IST007
Final Degree Project ISY014
Final Degree Project ISY031
Final degree projekt ISY041
Forestry IST021
From Forest to Wood Products IST015
Graphical Interface ISI182
Hydraulics ISI178
Image Processing in Industry IST025
Intelectual Property Rights ISI154
Intellectual property rights ISI207
Linear algebra ISI189
Manufacturing Methods II ISI175
Manufacturing Processes I ISI115
Manufacturing Processes I ISI151
Marketing A I ISI605
Material administration-MRP and Electronic Data Interchan ISI618
Material and Production Planning ISI152
Mathematical statistics ISI134
Mathematics ISY005
Mathematics ISY020
Mathematics A ISI616
Mathematics B ISI621
Measuremetn in Electric Power System ISI146
Mechanics ISI117
Mechanics ISI164
Mechanics I ISI111
Mechanics II ISI143
Mechanics of Materials and Machine Elements ISI148
Metal Working ISY009
Metal Working ISY033
Metal Working ISY038
Metallic Materials ISI116
Micro Processor Programming ISI107
Micro Processor Programming ISI160
Microcomputer Design ISI132
Microprocessor based design ISI200
Microwave Drying of Wood IST026
Multi-Variable Calculus ISI188
Multivariate Statistics IST023
Non Metallic Materials ISI100
Numerical Analysis ISI194
Object-Oriented Programming ISI140
Objectoriented design ISI201
Physics ISI104
Physics including mechanics ISI198
Power Electronics ISI142
Power System Relaying ISI185
Production Economics ISI303
Production Technology IST016
Production Technology ISY008
Production Technology ISY023
Programming ISI067
Programming I ISI155
Project HW ISI183
Project SW ISI184
Project/leadership in wood industry IST029
Psychology ISY002
Psychology ISY017
Quality and Maintenance IST022
Quality Engineering ISI147
Quality Engineering ISY015
Quality Engineering ISY030
Quality engineering ISI136
Quality engineering ISI197
Quality Engineering and Statistics ISI110
Saw Mill Technology IST011
Software Quality ISI202
Stregth of Materials ISY012
Strengt of Materials and Machine Elements ISI172
Strucural Engineering ISY013
Swedich ISY034
Swedish ISY001
Swedish ISY016
Termodynamics ISI118
Thesis ISI169
Thesis ISI170
Thesis ISI171
Thesis ISTE01
Total Quality Management Offensive ISI191
Vector Calculus ISI193
Wood Anatomy and Wood Physics IST001
Wood Drying IST028
Wood Physics IST024
Wood Products Design IST019
Wood Structures IST004
Wood-Working Processes IST002
Woodbased Panels IST005
Written and oral presentation ISI101

Further information International.Office@adm.luth.se
Last modified 97-09-25
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