Engelska Studiehandboken Kurser/instution/given in english


Environmental Planning and Design

Courses given in English

General information about studying at Luleå University

Sort order: Course code

Name Course
Analytical Chemistry SBL014
Final Year Project SBX001
Remote Sensing SBG002
Geodesy, calculation techniques SBG006
Spatial analysis SBG003
Geohydrology SBW003
Geochemistry SBL013
Geology SBL001
Global Geochemical Cycles SBL024
Mining and ore geology SBL028
International Sanitary Engineering SBV011
Cartographic visualization SBG004
Municipal Engineering, Advanced Course SBT006
Municipal Engineering, part A SBT013
Municipal Engineering, part B SBT014
Recycling Technology SBR002
Senior Design Project in Applied Geology SBL099
Senior Design Project in Applied Geophysics SBL199
Senior Design Project in Ecology and Environmental Protec.SBE099
Senior Design Project in Geographical Information TechnoloSBG099
Senior Design Project in Landfill Technology SBR199
Senior Design Project in Sanatary Engineering SBV099
Senior Design Project in Traffic Engineering SBT099
Senior Design Project in Waste Management and Recycling SBR099
Senior Design Project in Water Resourses Engineering SBW099
Freshwater Geochemistry SBL023
Tectonics SBL004
Applied Geophysics for Civil Engineering SBL105
Applied Geophysics, seminars SBL112
Applied Geophysics, seminars II SBL113
Traffic and Town Planning with "Ecological" ConsiderationsSBT010
Traffic Engineering, Advanced Course SBT008
Transport economics SBT015
Traffic and Environmental Effects SBT005
Traffic Engineering SBT012
Landfill Technology SBR005
Sanitary Engineering SBV004
Road and Railroad Design with Computers SBT011
Water Treatment A SBV009
Water Monitoring Technique SBL025

Further information International.Office@adm.luth.se
Last modified 97-09-26
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