11.3.  Connection Modes

This section describes the different connection modes, and lists their limitations.

11.3.1.  Running a Windows Desktop in a Window

Sometimes it's useful to run a Windows desktop in a window. This mode resembles many virtulization solutions. The distinction between the Windows and UNIX environment is obvious. Connections of this type can be made by using the tl-run-rdesktop command.

11.3.2.  Running a Windows Desktop in Fullscreen

In this mode, the Windows desktop fully replaces the UNIX desktop. The UNIX environment is completely hidden. Connections of this type can be made by using the tl-run-windesk command.

11.3.3.  Running a Windows application in Standard Mode

The Standard Mode provides a limited form of application publishing. No extra software on the Windows server is required. Typically, connections of this type are created with a command such as: tl-run-winapp -D -T Excel excel.exe. When using this mode, please note:

  • The RDP connection window cannot be resized: It will remain the same size throughout the entire RDP session. The default size is to occupy the "work area": The desktop area not covered by desktop panels. Another size can be selected by using the -g argument.

  • It is possible to minimize the application. When using a size smaller than the work area, it is also possible to move the application by using the applications title bar. Both these features requires that a standard graphical theme is used on the Windows Remote Desktop Servers: The button size should be 18 pixels. If not, the button size can be specified by using the -S option. For more information, consult the rdesktop documentation.

  • The application must use a single, maximized window. The Windows calculator does not work correctly, since it cannot be maximized. Mozilla Firefox does not work correctly when using multiple windows.

For more information about tl-run-winapp, see the tl-run-winapp details in Chapter 13, Commands on the ThinLinc Server .

11.3.4.  Running a Windows application in SeamlessRDP Mode

This mode makes it possible to publish applications "seamlessly", and allows for full integration with the desktop. The remote applications can be moved, resized and restacked. Support for non-maximized and multi-window applications is provided. When using the SeamlessRDP mode, the "WTS Tools" package must be installed on all Windows Remote Desktop Servers. The installation is described in Section 3.7, “ The ThinLinc WTS Tools Package ”. Typically, connections of this type are created with a command such as: tl-run-winapp-seamless c:\program\mozilla.org\mozilla\mozilla.exe http://www.cendio.com. When using this mode, please note:

  • A modern window manager is highly recommended.

  • No support for the System Tray is provided.

  • The command line application (cmd.exe) is not supported.

  • You cannot run Internet Explorer in Protective Mode.

  • It is not possible to launch Explorer in file manager mode. As an alternative, Internet Explorer can be used.

For more information about tl-run-winapp-seamless, see the tl-run-winapp details in Chapter 13, Commands on the ThinLinc Server .


  • Windows 7 does not support publishing applications in SeamlessRDP mode.