Appendix D.  Configuring CUPS queues on Windows Remote Desktop Servers

If your ThinLinc cluster uses a Windows Remote Desktop Server for some applications, printers must be made available on the Windows servers as well. This is normally handled automatically by ThinLinc, see Section 5.6, “ Printer Configuration on Windows Remote Desktop Servers ”. In some special cases, it may be neccesary to add printers manually. This appendix describes how.

The Nearest Printer and Local Printers are added by defining printer queues that use the Internet Printing Protocol. Create one Network Printer in the printer wizard for each of them, and provide an IPP URL of the following form:


For the nearest printer, and following our example with the VSM Server host having a hostname of, the URL would be:

For the local printer, the URL would instead be:


Use the hostname of the VSM Server host. The thinlocal backend on the VSM Server host will then reroute the thinlocal job to the appropriate VSM Agent host.

Use a generic PostScript printer driver for both the nearest and the thinlocal queues. We recommend the driver "Generic/MS Publisher Imagesetter", which is included in modern Windows versions.

Define all other printer queues using the same method. Either print via CUPS on the VSM Server host, or use an existing printer server if available.