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Learn more about SFX

What is SFX?
SFX is a link server that allows you to view the full text of an article and/or other services available from the database or portal you are using. When you see the SFX-button NLLs SFX-knappin a database it takes you to a SFX menu that lists all the options available for the citation you have selected.

SFX provides:
  • links to the full text (of an article or a book)
  • ability to see if the print journal is held by Sunderby Hospital Library
  • ability to continue to library catalogue (LIBRIS) to check if a print version is available
  • a direct link to an interlibrary loan request form to order the article/book via your library
  • possibility to connect you to Google Scholar for a webbsearch on the author of the article
  • possibility to download references to the reference system/software EndNote

Who can use SFX?
The SFX for NLL is free for everbody, but access to fulltext is only possible within the Norrbotten County Council IP-range.

Why does the SFX menu vary?
SFX offers you the sources that the university have access to, and that is relevant to your search query.

Why don't I always get a full text link?
The library subscribes to many e-journals and databases to be able to present them to their users. If you don't get a link to the full text there are some possible reasons:

  • the library does not own a subscription to the journal
  • there is no full text version available, search in the library catalogue (LIBRIS) for a /printed version of the journal

Why don't I always get a direct link to the full text of the article?
Sometimes it is not possible to display a direct link. SFX tries to link in this order:

1. the full text of the article
2. the selected number/volume of the journal
3. the selected year of the journal
4. the title of the journal

In the case SFX brings you to a lower level in the journal website you have to select the article yourself.

In which databases do I find the SFX button?
Many databases and services work with SFX. We have activated our SFX button in these databasesr:

  • EbscoHost
  • Google Scholar
  • OvidSP
  • PubMed

How do I order an article or a book if no full text is available?
The SFX menu allows you to fill out an interlibrary loan request form, where you fill in the required fields. The order is then taken care of by library staff.

Why so many windows?
When you click on a SFX button from a database a new browser window displaying the menu is opened. Thereafter a new window is opened for each link you click on. It is always possible to change the size of the windows or close some windows.

If you have have any problems accessing our journals in SFX, please contact Sunderby Hospital Library